So, you’ve sanitized everything…or have you?


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Right now we are living in some pretty extraordinary times. There is no longer ‘the norm’ in which we go about our day-to-day lives. As the weeks continue along, we find ourselves adapting to new ways of thinking, new ways of living and new ways of cleaning!
By now you have probably had it up to here with cleaning, scrubbing and sanitizing. Where once you might have cleaned your kitchen countertops or mopped your floors once a week, you’re now doing it once a day or once every few days. How many times have you washed your hands today alone?

It’s staggering. And you’re probably thinking to yourself that you have cleaned and sanitized literally everything that you can think of, and that HAS to be enough? But is it?

What about the things you may have overlooked? Items that may seem inconsequential but that we use every single day.

Here of some the biggest culprits for harbouring germs and tips to keep them clean:

  • Car & House Keys: Your keys pick up germs almost everywhere you go! Use a disinfectant spray daily to kill germs on your keys daily and prevent those germs from landing in the same places your keys do – like your kitchen table and nightstand!
  • Wallets & Purses: Wallets & Purses pick up germs from surfaces everywhere you set them down. Try to use a machine washable purse or wallet, or one made of a material that can easily be wiped down with a disinfectant wipe.
  • Glasses: It’s easy to spot fingerprints on your glasses or sunglasses, but germs not so much. Using a disinfectant wipe on your glasses will help prevent germs from your glasses from ending up on your face – one of our most vulnerable entry points for microorganisms and bacteria.
  • Smartphones: Finally, and likely one of the biggest culprits of all, your smartphone! You wash your hands, but you probably aren’t washing or sanitizing your phone so when you pick it up everything is transferred back to your hands. Dangerous germs and viruses live on hard surfaces like your phone for up to FOUR DAYS, and scientific studies have shown smartphones are up to 10 times dirtier than a public washroom! You are more likely to get sick from your phone than from any other surface!


But cleaning your smartphone isn’t as cut and dry as you might think it is. Most smartphones have sensitive layers and casing that help protect our screens and typeface. These layers and casings can be jeopardized and even damaged by using traditional cleaners like hand sanitizer and alcohol wipes.

Thankfully there are many resources available to you with many helpful options and tips to assist in properly sanitizing the little things we often overlook, but that are a part of our everyday life. Cleaning and sanitizing don’t have to become burdens, especially when done right! Stay safe everyone, and stay clean!

Looking for something that will give your smartphone an extra deep clean? Sanitize your phone, keys and wallet with the UVCBOX. UVC kills germs and viruses other cleaners can’t. Hospitals have used UVC for over 50 years. Now you can have it at home. Find out more information here.

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