Angry comments over possible tear-down of viaducts

VANCOUVER (NEWS1130) – The angry comments continue to pour in over the story we brought you yesterday about the City of Vancouver‘s plan to potentially tear down the Georgia and Dunsmuir viaducts.

Many people don’t understand the city’s logic. Dozens of comments have been posted on this website, including one reading “Another joke from Vancouver.”

‘BL’ is taking some shots at city council, saying they are moving Vancouver backwards so fast that we will be in the horse and buggy days of the early 1900s very quickly.

‘Hemi’ agrees the city is moving backwards, saying we are the joke of the modern world.

If the viaducts do go, Brian believes downtown shops and other businesses can kiss thousands of dollars goodbye. A couple folks say Mayor Gregor Robertson needs to go, while Jessie adds living here is like living in a dictatorship.

You can leave your own comments on the original story, or leave your thoughts below.

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